
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
The following materials developed from the work of the National Program Office
and grantees describe lessons learned from the Diabetes Initiative.
Peer Support in Diabetes Management: Lessons from the Diabetes Initiative of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and from Peers for Progress of the American Academy of Family Physician Foundation
Fisher EB, Brownson CA, O'Toole M, & Boothroyd R.
On the Cutting Edge: Diabetes Care and Education, 2010: 31(4): 14-18.
Tools for Building Clinic-Community Partnerships to Support Chronic Disease Control and Prevention
Barnidge EK, Brownson CA, Baker EA, Shetty G, Rose F, & Fitzgerald T
Diabetes Educator, Mar/Apr 2010, 36(2): 190-201.
A Diabetes Self-Management Program Designed for Urban American Indians
Castro S, O'Toole M, Brownson CA, Plessel K, and Schauben L.
Preventing Chronic Disease, Oct. 2009, 6(4): A131
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Diabetes Initiative: Replication of Metabolic Control through Real- World Diabetes Self Management
Fisher EB, Brownson CA, O'Toole ML, Kamerow DB, and Burton JA.
Submitted to Diabetes Care August, 2009
Cost-effectiveness of Diabetes Self-management Programs in Community Primary Care Settings
Brownson CA, Hoerger TJ, Fisher EB and Kilpatrick KE
The Diabetes Educator, Sep/Oct 2009, 35(5): 761-769.
Physical Activity Levels Among Participants in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Diabetes Initiative
Williams-Piehota PA, McCormack LA, Bann CM, O’Toole ML, Burton J, Karns S, Lux L and Kamerow D
Diabetes Specturm, June 20, 2009, 22:170-177.
The Role of Peer Support in Diabetes Care and Self-Management
Brownson CA and Heisler M.
The Patient: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research, 2009, 2(1): 5-17.
Cross-cultural and International Adaptation of Peer Support for Diabetes Management
Fisher EB, Earp J, Maman S and Zolotor A
Family Practice (advance access), March 10, 2009.1-11
The Potential of Group Visits in Diabetes Care
Davis AM, Sawyer DR and Vinci LM
Clinical Diabetes, April 2008, 26(2): 58-62.
Quality Improvement in Diabetes Care Using Community Health Workers
Liebman J and Heffernan D
Clinical Diabetes, April 2008, 26(2): 75-76.
Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Resources and Support for Chronic Illness Self-Management: A Model Using Diabetes
McCormack L, Williams-Piehota P, Bann C, Burton J, Kamerow D, Squire C, Fisher E, Brownson CA and Glasgow RE
The Diabetes Educator, 2008, 34(4): 707-18.
Diabetes Self-Management in a Community Health Center: Improving Health Behaviors and Clinical Outcomes for Underserved Patients
Anderson D, Christison-Lagay J
Clinical Diabetes, 2008, 26(1): 22-27.
Clinic-Community Partnerships: A Foundation for Providing Community Supports for Diabetes Care and Self Management
Brownson CA, O'Toole ML, Shetty G, Anwuri VV, & Fisher EB
Diabetes Spectrum, Fall 2007, 20(4): 209-214.
Healthy Coping, Negative Emotions, and Diabetes Management: A Systematic Review and Appraisal
Fisher EB, Thorpe CT, McEvoy DeVellis B, & DeVellis RF
The Diabetes Educator, Nov/Dec 2007, 33(6) 1080-1103.
[ Link ]
Promising Approaches to Diabetes Self Management: Lessons from the Diabetes Initiative of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Various Authors
The Diabetes Educator, June 2007, 33(Supplement 6).
A Quality Improvement Tool to Assess Self Management Support in Primary Care
Brownson CA, Miller D, Crespo R, Neuner S, Thompson J, Wall JC, Emont S, Fazzone P, Fisher EB, & Glasgow RE
The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, July 2007, 33(7): 408-416.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Demonstration Projects Emphasizing Self Management
Fisher EB, Brownson CA, O'Toole ML, Shetty G, Anwuri VV, Fazzone P, Housemann RA, Hampton AD, Kamerow DB, McCormack LA, Burton JA, Orleans TC, & Bazzarre TL
The Diabetes Educator, 2007, 33(1): 83-94.
Integrating Depression Care With Diabetes Care in Real-World Settings: Lessons From the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Diabetes Initiative
D, Horton C , O'Toole ML, Brownson CA, Fazzone P, & Fisher EB
Diabetes Spectrum, 2007, 20: 10-16.
Ecological Approaches to Self Management: The Care of
Fisher EB, Brownson CA, O’Toole ML, Shetty GS, Anwuri VV, & Glasgow RE
American Journal of Public Health, September 2005, 95(9): 1523-1535.